Friday, July 28, 2006

I've got your blog post...

Sorry for the delay, but I have been butt-busy with the boys. I hope to have more to tell you soon. And another butt-load of pics.

funny, ha ha! (for Em)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's my birthday, I'm turning thirty...

It's sung like a little diddy. Can you hear me singing it?

I'm pretty excited about 30. I'm in a great place! I've got two awesome boys, a great marriage of almost 7 years to a funny, handsome, hard-working husband, a neat little house, good friends, and the topper...I just got a great haircut. see?

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I think everyone should get a birthday haircut. It's a great way to bring in another year. I told Chris that there was no way I was turning 30 with this hair (prior to the cut.) It had grown out and was long and frumpy. I needed something fun and youthful because that's how I feel. And I think I got it.

Enjoy, and for everyone else, happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

and again...

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ok, let's try this again

I think I got the picture thing down. Here's another sample.

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

My poor boys

Dude, vaccines totally suck. It's a catch 22. They protect you from same crazy illnesses, but the trauma of shots sucks. It totally sucks. Both of my boys got vaccines today. And not just one or two. Wesley had four and Ethan had three. I had to hold them and listen to each of them scream each time they were poked. poor things :( I wanted to cry with them. I did a little.

So since I've gotten a little crunchy (as Em says) I've been exposed to all sorts of craziness. There's a whole school of thought that says that our children are safer without vaccines. So I started reading and there's some freaky stories out there to make you think so. There's stuff that links vaccines with autism, deafness, diabetes and penile shrinkage. ok. I made that last part up but I wouldn't be surprised if that was next.

Through my research, and talking to my pediatrician, I feel a little more at peace with their shots. There is less harm from their vaccines than the chance of them getting one of the illnesses that they should have been vaccinated for. Chris says that these people are emotionally driven. And who can blame them? He wasn't there holding his crying, scared child. He's scared to death of needles. I wonder why.

Anyway, by the end of the day they're fine. We all took much needed naps this afternoon and hung out at home the rest of the day. A dinner of French toast and sausages made it a little better.

poor boys.

Monday, June 26, 2006

picture test

here goes...

this is smile proof.

Here's the pic without clicking the link.

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Friday, June 23, 2006

They're both asleep!

Holy cow! I can't believe it. The stars must be aligned just right. Both of the boys are asleep. We did go swimming, run to the market, the bakery thrift and pick up spices ( Who wouldn't be tired? me? We also ran by Starbucks so I'm on cruise control getting some stuff done. I'm sure I have a million things to do but am sitting at the computer writing to you fools.

I'm going to try to upload some pics. I have slight proof (for Em and Aaron mostly) of Wesley smiling. I haven't captured any open mouth grins yet, but they're coming. Now if I can only figure out how to get the pics on here.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm catching up.

Well, I've only been saying it for 2 or 3 months, but I finally created a blog. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update it, but I'm giving it a try. Everyone else is doing it, right? Why not me? I figure if I've got time to check email and other blogs and websites, then I have time to jot down random thought and events of our day. Everyone is asking for photos and updates of the boys, and this will allow me to keep everyone up to date. maybe. I'm trying.

Ethan's having a sock meltdown so I'm wrapping this one up. More later. I've got loads of pics!
