Friday, June 23, 2006

They're both asleep!

Holy cow! I can't believe it. The stars must be aligned just right. Both of the boys are asleep. We did go swimming, run to the market, the bakery thrift and pick up spices ( Who wouldn't be tired? me? We also ran by Starbucks so I'm on cruise control getting some stuff done. I'm sure I have a million things to do but am sitting at the computer writing to you fools.

I'm going to try to upload some pics. I have slight proof (for Em and Aaron mostly) of Wesley smiling. I haven't captured any open mouth grins yet, but they're coming. Now if I can only figure out how to get the pics on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be living right. Sounds like such a busy day,I hope you are able to get some rest also. I'll be your witness,That Wesley smiles all the time and has even talked to his GiGi on occasion. I believe he's truly gifted like his big brother. GiGi